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Report on Lightning 2021 Tune-Up Regatta

Ann Siegle | Published on 6/1/2021

The Michigan District kick off regatta moved back two weeks to May 22, to get better spring weather. We got a huge cheer from the 10-boat fleet for this date-change and it sounds like everyone is happy with the new schedule (AND the weather!) 

The day dawned cloudy and warm, with a light breeze, but soon, the sun came out and the breeze picked up.

Sailors enjoyed six competitive races (one throwout). Six boats from around the district came to join 4 Lansing Sailing Club teams for a 10-boat turnout on a really lovely May day. 

Top honors goes to Tom Klaban with crew Elizabeth Groesbeck and Derek Keen. Second place honors to Kevin Morin with JimThompson and Marcie Morin crewing and third place, LSC sailors Scott Watkins with crew Chris Cyrul and Steve Varnum took home both third AND the LSC perpetual trophy awarded to the top home boat.

Sailors enjoyed breakfast, lunch, cold beverages, prizes and camaraderie.