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HomeRacing Fleets

Racing Fleets

Excitement, camaraderie, competition, learning, and honing sailing skills - racing is at the heart of our Club, enjoying the thrill of the race course, the joy of new and longtime friendships, and the sharing of sailing knowledge with each other. We race "one-design" - which means racing other sailors all using the same make of boat, so that skill, not boat design, determines how one finishes a race. Our Club Racing Fleets (groups of like boats) are Lightnings, Wayfarers, Lasers, Sunfish, Optis, and for grades 7-12, Club 420s

Join us! Not only will you find sailboat racing challenging, but you will have a lot of fun.

"Sailing a boat calls for quick action, a blending of feeling with the wind and water as well as with the very heart and soul of the boat itself. Sailing teaches alertness and courage, and gives in return a joyousness and peace that but few sports afford."

-George Matthew Adams


Lightning are a 19ft racing sailboat, also used as a recreational day sailor. Typically they are raced with three crew - skipper at the helm, with a middle crew who handles the spinnaker sail, and a forward crew who handles the jib. It is a great racing boat for learning teamwork, and has many of the same adjustment/controls ones sees on large racing boats. Many people at LSC have gotten into sailing, and learned to skipper boats, by starting as racing crew on a Lightning.







The Sunfish is 14’ fiberglass hulled boat with a 75 square foot low profile lateen rig sail. It has just a single sail control line, a mainsheet. Its simplicity makes for a quick and easy set up to get on the water. That same simplicity makes the boat ideal for beginning sailors, but also provides an excellent challenge for experienced racers. The simplicity of the boat provides one design racing at its purest. Successful Sunfish racing requires total focus on the fundamentals of good sailing and racing – sail trim, boat speed, upwind sailing skills, working wind shifts, effective tactics and strategy – without the distracting minutiae of myriad sail control adjustments requiring attention. The Sunfish has a long and rich history, with the first boats constructed in 1952, and has a very active national and international fleet presence. Presently (2023) 6-8, and sometimes more, Sunfish participate regularly in LSC's Wednesday night racing series.



Club 420 7-12 Grade Racing Teams


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I start racing?

No worries! One of the sailors will be glad to help out. From buying your own boat (we can help you in getting a suitable racing boat) or using a Club-owned boat, to learning how to rig and tune the boat to developing racing skills - members will be there to assist - including sailing with you or alongside to provide suggestions and support while you learn.

You'll Have Fun

Not only will you find sailboat racing challenging, but you will have a lot of fun. Contact our Vice-Commodore or one of the Fleet Captains for information on how to get involved.

An Outstanding Racing Program

LSC has an outstanding racing program with lots of member involvement. On a typical Wednesday evening for example, there will be twenty sailboats participating.