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LSC Sunfish Fleet
2021 Season
Results & Standings

Final Series Standings as of September 8

37 total races sailed to date
18 races required for series standing
Best 18 races counted

Pos Skipper Tot Pts Tot Races
1 John Fishbeck 252 27
2 Gil Chesbro 201 26
3 Jonathon Ahlbrand 194 28
4 Dave Vietti 177 26
5 Lisa Benton 136 33
6 Jon Davenport 107 22
7 Keith Hayes 84 22
8 Rob Kent 81 30
  • Race results are normally updated on the web within a day or two of the races. If you're not seeing current results use your web browser page refresh/reload function.

  • Click here to view individual skipper results.

  • Curious about just how those points values are determined? Click here to learn how the Sunfish Fleet scoring works.

The skippers below have not sailed enough races to qualify for inclusionin the standings. A skipper must start and sail in at least 50% of allraces sailed to date to count as a series qualifier.

Skipper Races
Bob Miller 12
Julie Pierce 11
William Severin 16
Blaine Severin 4
Chris Nelson 9
Cedric Roth 6
Matthew Jones 3
Erin Lauwers 8
Jacob Suidgeest 1
Nick Schieberl 3
Dereck Perkins 1

Race Results for:

June:   2   16   23   30  
July:   14   21  
August:   11   25  
September:   1   8  

June 2

Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3
John Fishbeck 1 3 1
Jonathon Ahlbrand 2 2  
Gil Chesbro 3 1 2
Keith Hayes 4 4 3
Lisa Benton 5 5 6
Rob Kent 6 7 4
Bob Miller 7 6  
William Severin 8 8 5

June 16

Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3
Jonathon Ahlbrand 1 2 1
Dave Vietti 2 3 2
Lisa Benton 3 1 3
Bob Miller 4 5 6
Rob Kent 5 6 4
Jon Davenport 6 4 5
William Severin 7 DNF  

June 23

Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4
John Fishbeck 1 1 1 1
Gil Chesbro 2 2 2 2
Jonathon Ahlbrand 3 3 3 4
Jon Davenport 4 7 4 7
Dave Vietti 5 4 5 3
Lisa Benton 6 8 6 6
Keith Hayes 7 5 8 5
Rob Kent 8 6 7 8
William Severin DNF DNF    

June 30

Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4
John Fishbeck 1 2 1 1
Gil Chesbro 2 1 2 2
Jonathon Ahlbrand 3 3 3 4
Lisa Benton 4 4 4 7
Keith Hayes 5 7 7 DNF
Rob Kent 6 8 6 6
Jon Davenport 7 5 5 3
Bob Miller 8 6 8 5
William Severin 9 9 9 8

July 14

Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4
John Fishbeck 1 1 4 1
Gil Chesbro 2 2 1 4
Lisa Benton 3 4 5 6
Jonathon Ahlbrand 4 5 2 3
Dave Vietti 5 3 3 2
Julie Pierce 6 6 7 7
Rob Kent 7 7 6 5
Cedric Roth   8 8 9
Chris Nelson   9 9 8

July 21

Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4
Jonathon Ahlbrand 1 3 1 4
John Fishbeck 2 1 3 1
Dave Vietti 3 2 6 2
Gil Chesbro 4 4 2 3
Keith Hayes 5 5 5  
Julie Pierce 6 7 7 7
Chris Nelson 7 8   6
William Severin 8 6 4 5

August 11

Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4
Keith Hayes 1      
Rob Kent 2 3 4 7
Jon Davenport 3 4 3 6
Lisa Benton 4 2 2 2
Dave Vietti 5 1 1 1
William Severin 6      
Chris Nelson   5 5 4
Nick Schieberl   6 6 5
Jacob Suidgeest       3
Dereck Perkins       8

August 25

Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3
Lisa Benton 1 1 1
Cedric Roth 2 3 2
Matthew Jones 3 2 3

September 1

Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4
John Fishbeck 1 2 1 1
Jonathon Ahlbrand 2 4 2  
Dave Vietti 3 5 3 2
Jon Davenport 4 3 5 5
Gil Chesbro 5 1 4 3
Blaine Severin 6 7 6 7
Lisa Benton 7 6 7 4
Rob Kent 8 11 8 6
Bob Miller 9 9 10  
Erin Lauwers 10 12 12 10
Keith Hayes DNF 8 11 8
Julie Pierce   10 9 9

September 8

Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4
Jonathon Ahlbrand 1 2 4 3
John Fishbeck 2 1 1 1
Dave Vietti 3 3 3  
Keith Hayes 4 7 6  
Rob Kent 5 8 5 4
Jon Davenport 6 4 8  
Lisa Benton 7 6 7 5
Erin Lauwers 8 9 9 6
Gil Chesbro   5 2 2