LSC Laser Fleet 2010 Season Results & Standings
Final Series Standings as of September 8 44 total races sailed to date22 races required for series standingBest 22races counted Pos Skipper Tot Pts Tot Races 1Doug Carlson3329322Olav Messerschmidt3014373Mike Moody2932444Tom Hutton2843325Susanna Wagner2506336Pat Dolan1991297Brad Kleihege1692228Blaine Severin1522239Susan Peters14102510Bob Miller14003211Ron Marshall10342412Chris Strugar-Fritsch7512213John McEnhill48426
Pos Skipper Tot Pts Tot Races 1Doug Carlson3329322Olav Messerschmidt3014373Mike Moody2932444Tom Hutton2843325Susanna Wagner2506336Pat Dolan1991297Brad Kleihege1692228Blaine Severin1522239Susan Peters14102510Bob Miller14003211Ron Marshall10342412Chris Strugar-Fritsch7512213John McEnhill48426
Race results are normally updated on the web within a day or two of the races. If you're not seeing current results use your web browser page refresh/reload function. Click here to view individual skipper results. Curious about just how those points values are determined? Click here to learn how the Laser Fleet scoring works.
The skippers below have not sailed enough races to qualify for inclusionin the standings. A skipper must start and sail in at least 50% of allraces sailed to date to count as a series qualifier. Skipper RacesSailed George Siegle15Sean Fiedler10Joe Mayfield13Jeff LaPalme10John Melcher8Wayne Loescher15Scott Watkins5Tiffany Fiedler4Aaron Picot4Jim Fletcher3Neil Harrison4Jim Sandstrum2John Fishbeck3
The skippers below have not sailed enough races to qualify for inclusionin the standings. A skipper must start and sail in at least 50% of allraces sailed to date to count as a series qualifier.
Skipper RacesSailed George Siegle15Sean Fiedler10Joe Mayfield13Jeff LaPalme10John Melcher8Wayne Loescher15Scott Watkins5Tiffany Fiedler4Aaron Picot4Jim Fletcher3Neil Harrison4Jim Sandstrum2John Fishbeck3
Race Results for: June: 2 9 16 30 July: 7 14 21 28 August: 4 18 25 September: 8
June: 2 9 16 30 July: 7 14 21 28 August: 4 18 25 September: 8