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LSC Lightning Fleet
2008 Season
Results & Standings

Final Series Standings as of September 28

49 total races sailed to date
19 races required for series standing
Best 19 races counted

Pos Skipper Tot Pts Tot Races
1Pat Dolan232539
2Mike Moody214925
3Jonathon Ahlbrand189637
4Blaine Severin172831
5Merrick Hurlbutt157824
6Larry Koster118022
7John LeFevre110022
8Jim Fletcher89821
  • Race results are normally updated on the web within a day or two of the races. If you're not seeing current results use your web browser page refresh/reload function.

  • Click here to view individual skipper results.

  • Curious about just how those points values are determined? Click here to learn how the Lightning Fleet scoring works.

The skippers below have not sailed enough races to qualify for inclusionin the standings. A skipper must start and sail in at least 40% of allraces sailed to date to count as a series qualifier.

Michael-Soloman Jost12
Susanna Tellschow4
Nickiforos Delatolas4
Ron Marshall3
Julie Pierce1
Tom Hutton2

Race Results for:

April:   27  
May:   4   8   25  
June:   1   15   22   29  
July:   6   20   27  
August:   10   17   24  
September:   7   21   28  

April 27

Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3
Pat Dolan121
Mike Moody212
Jonathon Ahlbrand333
Michael-Soloman Jost444

May 4

Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3
Pat Dolan112
Jonathon Ahlbrand231
Michael-Soloman Jost323

May 8

Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3
Mike Moody113
Blaine Severin254
Pat Dolan321
John LeFevre435
Michael-Soloman Jost542

May 25

Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3
Jonathon Ahlbrand144
Pat Dolan221
Merrick Hurlbutt313
Blaine Severin432
Michael-Soloman Jost555

June 1

Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3
Pat Dolan112
Jonathon Ahlbrand224
John LeFevre331
Blaine Severin  3

June 15

Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3
Blaine Severin124
Jonathon Ahlbrand212
Mike Moody341
Merrick Hurlbutt433

June 22

Skipper Race 1
Pat Dolan1
Larry Koster2
John LeFevre3
Jonathon Ahlbrand4
Mike Moody5
Blaine Severin6

June 29

Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3
Blaine Severin134
Jonathon Ahlbrand253
Merrick Hurlbutt321
John LeFevre442
Larry Koster515

July 6

Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3
Jim Fletcher155
Jonathon Ahlbrand221
Larry Koster334
Pat Dolan412
Merrick Hurlbutt543

July 20

Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3
Pat Dolan11 
Jonathon Ahlbrand234
Julie Pierce3  
John LeFevre443
Blaine Severin 21
Susanna Tellschow  2

July 27

Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3
Mike Moody122
Merrick Hurlbutt246
Pat Dolan311
Blaine Severin434
Jonathon Ahlbrand557
Larry Koster673
Susanna Tellschow785
Jim Fletcher868

August 10

Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3
Pat Dolan111
Blaine Severin222
John LeFevre333
Tom Hutton44 
Nickiforos Delatolas  4

August 17

Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3
Mike Moody121
Pat Dolan212
Blaine Severin356
Jim Fletcher445
Nickiforos Delatolas564
Larry Koster633

August 24

Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3
Mike Moody141
Pat Dolan215
Larry Koster353
Jim Fletcher477
Jonathon Ahlbrand522
Merrick Hurlbutt636
Blaine Severin764

September 7

Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3
Pat Dolan111
Mike Moody222
Blaine Severin333
John LeFevre445
Merrick Hurlbutt554
Ron Marshall667
Jim Fletcher776

September 21

Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3
Pat Dolan123
Jonathon Ahlbrand231
Jim Fletcher342
Mike Moody414
Larry Koster555

September 28

Skipper Race 1 Race 2 Race 3
Jonathon Ahlbrand122
Merrick Hurlbutt211
Jim Fletcher344
Larry Koster435
John LeFevre553