LSC Laser Fleet 2024 Season Results & Standings
Final Series Standings as of September 4 53 total races sailed to date26 races required for series standingBest 26 races counted Pos Skipper Tot Pts Tot Races 1 Clayton DeBruyn 3469 40 2 Susan Taylor 3378 32 3 Dillon McCormick 3252 40 4 Hugh Blaxill 2876 39 5 Scott Watkins 2650 33 6 George Siegle 2504 30 7 Lars Peereboom 1938 28 8 Colin Fitzgerald 1244 28 9 Brian Hoort 1187 41 10 John McEnhill 793 40
Pos Skipper Tot Pts Tot Races 1 Clayton DeBruyn 3469 40 2 Susan Taylor 3378 32 3 Dillon McCormick 3252 40 4 Hugh Blaxill 2876 39 5 Scott Watkins 2650 33 6 George Siegle 2504 30 7 Lars Peereboom 1938 28 8 Colin Fitzgerald 1244 28 9 Brian Hoort 1187 41 10 John McEnhill 793 40
Race results are normally updated on the web within a day or two of the races. If you're not seeing current results use your web browser page refresh/reload function. Click here to view individual skipper results. Curious about just how those points values are determined? Click here to learn how the Laser Fleet scoring works.
The skippers below have not sailed enough races to qualify for inclusionin the standings. A skipper must start and sail in at least 50% of allraces sailed to date to count as a series qualifier. Skipper RacesSailed Michael Kovalchick 22 Mike Moody 17 Colin Higgins 19 Michael Cyrul 8 Andrew McFee 14 Blake Glazer 10 Steve Varnum 4 Scott Petritz 3 Michael Hickner 8 Blaine Severin 8 Ryan Dodge 2 Susanna Tellschow 2
The skippers below have not sailed enough races to qualify for inclusionin the standings. A skipper must start and sail in at least 50% of allraces sailed to date to count as a series qualifier.
Skipper RacesSailed Michael Kovalchick 22 Mike Moody 17 Colin Higgins 19 Michael Cyrul 8 Andrew McFee 14 Blake Glazer 10 Steve Varnum 4 Scott Petritz 3 Michael Hickner 8 Blaine Severin 8 Ryan Dodge 2 Susanna Tellschow 2
Race Results for: May: 29 June: 5 12 19 26 July: 3 10 17 24 31 August: 7 21 28 September: 4
May: 29 June: 5 12 19 26 July: 3 10 17 24 31 August: 7 21 28 September: 4